I am pretty sure Ashtanga+Bikram is the best new combo since Run+Swim*
I felt some tightness in my upper body yesterday and certain shoulder stretches were more intense than usual during Bikram. About an hour after Bikram, though, it hit me. Pain all over... arms, back, abs, legs, bum, Soul.
Waking up this morning was a bitch and a half. sitting hurts. walking hurts. breathing hurts.
In other news,
my mom joined me for Bikram last night. Finally!
She loved it :)... did much better than I did during my first several sessions. Probably will be kicking my ass at it in a couple of months.
I had a really productive session (maybe too productive).
Dhanurasana was off the heazy. Pretty awesome when you can crack your own back in this.
Johnny compressed the hell out of me during Janushirasana with Paschimotthanasana.
I will be holding off on Yoga until this weekend/Monday's Ashtanga.
*I used to run 5.5-6.5 miles from Mountain View to Stanford and then swim for an hour.