Monday, February 1, 2010

My first Ashtanga class

Tonight is my very first Ashtanga Primary Series class at Yoga Source, Palo Alto.

Inspired by Kino MacGregor

And tomorrow just may be the day my mom joins me for Bikram with Johnny. I'm very excited!

Edit (2/2):
So Ashtanga was absolutely amazing. As was taking 280 (as opposed to 101) to get there. I got there 40 minutes early and got to chat was some regulars about the class. I was feeling pretty anxious, mainly because the studio explicitly discourages yoga noobs from this particular class. 4 months into my practice and I am still very much a noob. Noob for life, yo.
Keep it fresh.
Unlike Bikram (no mirror, no balance), this class was not mirror centric. The two rows of students faced each other. We started with some closed eye heavy breathing and then went into Sun Salutations. This class is all about Sun Salutations. Dozens upon Dozens of Sun Salutations. I was dripping sweat 15 minutes into class. There was a lot of focus directed to the breath, which was very calming and really aided in the stretches and balances.
Some of my favorites form the night:

And one day... just maybe...