Friday, May 30, 2008

Breaks, Cardio and Weights

Some interesting fitness news:

1. Breaking up your workout and having a 20 minute rest period in between boosts calories burning potential.

When I go, I go and I keep going. I don't stop until I'm done so when I stop, I'm done (yay for seemingly circular logic!). Sometimes I follow a weights session with a running session but that's with, maybe, a 10 minute break in between. Enough for me to don my running shoes, grab my iPod and go. I veto this plan.

2. Follow cardio with weights, not the other way around.

Who the hell can do any sort of substantial leg work after a 6 mile run? Maybe Dean Crazy Karnazes- Mr "50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days". And although he's in my running shoes for every run (yay for Dean Karnazes insoles from North Face)... I don't think that's enough Dean to power me through this double trouble. Those who are serious about their weight training will tell you: Weights first, Cardio second. Your form will suffer after you've exhausted your muscles with an N-miler (N>(whatever rocks your boat)). Bad form => really bad injuries.

Some follow-up reading:

I really couldn't care what yall say. There is No Way I'm doing Squats, Lunges and DeadLifts after my run. Maybe I'll incorporate some upper body work.

EDIT: I couldn't even do a Euclid HIIT Session** after a 15 min weight session, today. It was very sad.. very slow and very sad. Goes to show you... weights and hardcore cardio don't mix.

** 2.5 mile run up Euclid from Le Conte and back down. 10 minute warm-up 10-13 minutes of HIIT (30 sec sprint, 30 sec jog). 20-25 min run back down. Uphill sprints = Rocky.